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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Clean Slate

Its been a very-very long time since my last post. It is time to give a complete makeover for this site. A lot have change since I started the blog in 2010. Now, Im not working in schools anymore.. They have pull me out and put me in the office.. It could be blessing in disguise because now I have plenty of things to do and share with all of you.. Ive visited many schools in my first 6 months in the office.. So i do have a lot of teaching ideas.. Teaching aids to share.
Lets focus on the teaching tech itself.. I will share things, aids i have made so all of you teachers.. Especially who teaches in level 1 can implement them in your classroom.. Its simple but it work.
 Just wait for the next updates within a few days ya..
P.S.. The aids are specifically to help pupils with learning disabilities..poor retention rate, creative teaching aids to promote reading, writing and identifying letter and sounds..
Thanks for reading..looking forward to a better future of the children.
Teaching Teach Malaysia..were back.

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